I’m currently participating in two new BundleRabbit bundles, so I wanted to tell you about them!
The first is Cat Tales #2, a collection of nine magical tales for cat lovers. Smart cats, creepy cats, curious cats, and cats-that-aren’t-really-cats fill this bundle with lots of great stories! As you can see, I’ve made my fantasy short story, “Winter Bewitched” available as a standalone ebook especially for this bundle. It’s only $2.99 for the set, and you can find all the buying links on this page.
The second is Eclectica, a wide-ranging “lucky dip” collection where there should be something for everyone! From fantasy to space adventure, pirates, mystery, horror, historical fiction, romance and coming of age you’ll find short, snappy reads herein. My second short story collection, The Cache and Other Stories, is part of this bundle, so this is a great chance to pick it up along with another eighteen books and stories in the bundle. It’s currently on pre-order for just $4.99 from the retailers on this page, and will release on April 13th.
These are great opportunities to start stocking your ereader with summer reads, so don’t miss out! I hope to have some interviews with authors from both bundles in the coming weeks, so stay tuned.