Yes, it’s been a while. The end of 2010 flew past without even giving me a chance to properly say goodbye here. But it’s not too late. I’m pretty sure I had made some writing goals for 2010…(digs around a bit and comes up with a dusty list)…yep, here they are:
1. Plan more structured writing time, if not daily then most days. Most of
the time I do a lot of procrastinating before I actually get down to
writing, and I know that’s a bad habit.
Result: I did get into a better writing schedule for at least part of the year. I can’t give myself full marks for this one, but I made some progress.
2. Log my writing time for at least a month, so that I have an idea of how
much time I actually spend on writing.
Result: I kept these logs for a while, and decided that I did not spend nearly enough time actually writing, and too much time on writing-related-but-not-really-writing things. However, I didn’t *fix* that problem as well as I might have.
1. By the end of January, finish the last pass of the novel edit that is
almost done, and get it to my first reader.
Result: Completed this goal, but it was in July, not January.
2. By the end of February, finish the two (or three?) short stories I have
Result: Sadly, I can’t remember precisely what stories I was talking about here, so I don’t know if I did it or not. I’m thinking not.
3. Get some more stories back into submission.
Result: Again, I did make some subs, but did not complete this goal as fully as I would have liked.
1. By the end of the year, complete the novel I started this past NaNoWriMo
and get it submitted.
Result: Did not do this, but wrote the second half of this story during NaNoWriMo 2010.
2. Complete the second anthology Third Person Press is working on, with a
projected release date of October 1st, 2010.
Result: Full marks for this one. We completed the anthology and released it on schedule.
I’ve already made some decisions on writing goals for 2011, but I haven’t put them into short, medium, and long-term form. I’m going to think about that some more and include the new goals in my next post.
Aside from actual goals, I also had three short stories published in 2010 and got a third novel into submission, did some great school visits, gave some classes and readings in Second Life, and, I think, grew as a writer and editor. So all in all I’d have to say it was a good writing year.