Today’s Press Release

Thought I’d share the press release I just sent out this morning:
Local Publisher Announces Book Release and Launch Party

September 15, 2010
Northside, Cape Breton

Third Person Press announces publication of its second release, Airborne, Volume 2 in The Speculative Elements Series. The launch party will take place Wednesday, October 6, 2010 from 6:30 to 8:30 at the McConnell Library, Sydney.

Complied and edited by Third Person Press founders Sherry D. Ramsey, Julie A. Serroul and Nancy S.M. Waldman, with an Introduction by Afra Kavanagh, Assistant Professor of English at Cape Breton University, Airborne contains fourteen stories and three poems written by writers with connections to Cape Breton Island. The tales include stories of cyber-crime, journeys of planetary colonization, malicious music, messages and visits from those who have passed on–including a tale from the Scottish Isles–rogue helicopters, romance that defies time and space, enchanted creatures, virulent vampire viruses, and a mysterious white stone with inexplicable properties.

The contributors to Airborne are Donna Troicuk, Ken Chisholm, Katrina Nicholson, Meg Horne, Chris Benjamin, Theresa Dugas Mac Kay, Sue McKay Miller, Peter Andrew Smith, Kerry Anne Fudge, Krista C. Miller, Donna D’Amour, Bruce V. Miller, Jill Campbell-Miller, Nancy S.M. Waldman, Sherry D. Ramsey and Julie A. Serroul.

The launch on October 6th will feature readings from Airborne, refreshments and music, and signings by many of the contributors. Airborne and Undercurrents (Volume 1 in the series) will be on sale at the launch and available in local books stores soon. All titles from Third Person Press are available online; please see to purchase copies or for more information on these releases. Third Person Press is currently accepting submissions of stories and/or poetry for its next book: Unearthed. Guidelines are available on the website, and the deadline for submissions is December 31, 2010.


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