At My Desk

As older social media continues to crash and burn around us, it occurred to me that maybe I should show this site some love, and start updating it more often (more on the social media thing soon). For now, I’m at least going to start sharing the “At My Desk” section of my monthly newsletter here as a little update. So here’s the most recent one, from my January 18th newsletter. :)

At My Desk – Jan 18, 2025
Bitmoji ImageThe new term has started and we have some snow on the ground (although not much!), and the weather is chilly (but not too bad). So although I’m not a winter gal at all, I don’t have too much to complain about in that department.

Yes, I’m sure it will get worse. But I’m trying not to think about it.

Progress is slow but steady on my cozy fantasy, which is unfortunately NOT titled “I Never Met an Orc Who Chewed Bubble Gum,” as newsletter subscriber Michael suggested. :) However, I’ve tucked it away for future consideration…

The slow but steady progress is due in large part to the 100 Days Writing Challenge, which I’m happy to say is keeping my fingers on the keyboard at least a little bit each day. This is good for me at a time of year when motivation tends to sag with the arrival of long grey days and a serving of seasonal affective disorder. If I had my choice, I’d probably curl up most nights with a mug of tea and Animal Crossing on my Switch, but that wouldn’t be good for me in the long run! Most days I’ve managed to write a good deal more than the minimum goal, which is making me happy.

Have you set any reading goals for 2025? For now I’m mostly tracking mine in StoryGraph, so if you use it, too, let’s be friends!

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