Friday Desk Report

After a bit of much-needed mental recovery time, I’m back at my desk a bit more this week. Although NaNoWriMo has imploded to some extent for me, the intense writing months of April, July, and November are very much ingrained for me at this point, so I’m tackling another unfinished manuscript to see if I can revive it. I think I’ll keep the specifics quiet until I have a better idea of how it’s going to go, but I might be able to see a path through the murk of half-forgotten plotlines. I’ll update later in the month.

The gardens have been taking up a lot of my attention…to the point where I think I re-activated an old carpal tunnel issue. So it’s back to wrist braces and trying not to overdo it for a couple of weeks. However, the results are worth it, as you can see if you follow me on Instagram! (where I post a lot of garden pics!)

I caught a cool video of a great blue heron fishing the other day, which you can see over on my Facebook page. He’s very patient and persistent, just like writers have to be. ;)

And The Fifth Force is out in the wild in both ebook and print formats. If you love any of the things mentioned below, you should check it out!



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