2016 Young Explorer’s Adventure Guide by Maggie Allen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Full disclosure: I have a story in this book. However, I had not read any of the other stories before publication, so I came to them as any reader would.
This is another wonderful collection of science fiction stories for readers both young and old. I think it fills a niche that has not been addressed as much as it should in the past couple of decades: science fiction for young readers. There’s been lots of fantasy (and I’m not complaining about that), but certainly a paucity of science fiction for this age group. I think that’s important because sometimes science fiction is the route by which young people come to a love of science.
The book also offers a much-needed diversity in protagonists and settings, throwing wide the doors to girls (but not leaving out the boys) and less well-represented ethnicities. It’s never forced, never contrived, just a broad offering of voices and characters with stories to tell across the breadth of the book. The collection offers a lovely array of times, places, and ideas, which should please anyone with a taste for great science fiction.