April 23rd each year marks UNESCO’s World Book and Copyright day. As it’s described on their website, “This is a day to celebrate books as the embodiment of human creativity and the desire to share ideas and knowledge, to inspire understanding and tolerance…our goal is clear – to encourage authors and artists and to ensure that more women and men benefit from literacy and accessible formats, because books are our most powerful forces of poverty eradication and peace building.” So, in the spirit of the day, I thought I’d run a little contest here on the blog.
What you can win: One ebook copy each of One’s Aspect to the Sun and To Unimagined Shores.
How to enter: There are several ways to enter the contest, and you can have multiple entries in my Lucky Basket. Here it is:
Here’s how to get your entries added:
> Leave a comment below. Just say hi! = 1 entry
> Leave a comment below; say hi and tell me your favorite speculative fiction book or author = 2 entries
> Tweet or retweet about the contest = 1 entry. I’ll even write the tweet for you. Just copy and paste:
Enter @sdramsey ‘s #BookDay contest by April 23rd for a chance to win free SF/F ebooks (http://tinyurl.com/qgp9hfm) #books #reading #scifi
> Share the contest in any other way; post it to your blog, mention it on Facebook, +1 it on Google, write it on your forearm with magic marker. The comments and tweets I’ll see, but you’ll have to email or message me to tell me about anything else you do. Each share = 1 entry
Rules: You may enter from anywhere in the world. Entries will be hand-written by me on actual pieces of paper and dropped in the Lucky Basket. One winner will be drawn from the entries received by midnight AST on April 23, 2014. Ebooks will be available in the following formats: .epub, .mobi (for Kindle), and .pdf. Winner will have to provide me with a working email address for delivery of their ebooks. Winner agrees to let me post their name or screen/online name so everyone knows that someone actually did win. The decision of the contest administrator (me) is final. I will do my best to record all eligible entries, but will not be responsible for missed, missing, or misplaced entries.
Ready to enter? Go!
Hi! My favorite SciFi author is Orson Scot Card.
Thank you for making this fabulous contest available to Twitterians. That basket looks mighty lucky to me. Cheers, Sherry!
Oops! Forgot. My favourite speculative fiction writer is Eileen Kernaghan, and my favourite novel is her Winter on the Plain of Ghosts. She has a new book out I haven’t yet seen. Sophie, In Shadow.
Hi! My favourite speculative fiction writer is Sherry Ramsay, and Margaret Atwood is a close second. I have my own peculiar tastes! :-)
I’m a banana!